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In many industries, supervisors and plant floor operators operate “in the dark.” They document their daily activities using paper operations logbooks and shift logs. They communicate important instructions and procedures verbally. When shifts are over, this information, which is a critical part of the shift handover process, is often lost. In order to achieve shift excellence on every shift an operations management system is needed to systematically gather important information necessary for coordinating activities across shifts and teams. Mobile technology combined with digital work instructions, standing orders and Operator logbooks now allow a seamless transition to the digital world.

AW North Carolina Case Study

Shift after Shift like Clockwork

 j5 Shift Operations Management provides a tried-and-tested operations management solution with spreadsheet-like configurability and enterprise scalability.  This comprises the j5 Operations Logbook, j5 Shift Handover, j5 Standing Orders, j5 Work Instructions and j5 Event Manager. It also includes j5 IndustraForm® Templates and the j5 IndustraForm Designer.

Easy to Use

The j5 Operations Logbook makes manual and automatic industrial event recording intuitive and straightforward.

Consistent Shift Handover

j5 Shift Handover ensures consistent formatting, structure and content entry, allowing for effective shift-to-shift communications.

Centralized Data Repository

j5 Standing Orders overcomes the limitations of the whiteboard approach and brings additional process benefits.

Time Savings and Accuracy

j5 Work Instructions makes it easier to schedule, monitor and complete tasks, reducing employee workload.

Connected Data

j5 IndustraForm Templates combine human processes with real-time data and trigger calculations, workflows and conditional visibility.

Platform Integration

Context aware integration with automation systems, such as AVEVA System Platform(formerly Wonderware) completes the picture.

Shift Operations Management

AW North Carolina Case Study

Swirl graphic

I like the fact that I don't have to write everything down 50 times… At the beginning of my shift, I can search all the information and I can see what the previous crews or the staff has done. Instead of just going there and saying, why is this tank out of service? Before I had to go to the remote location and read the local logbook. Now I can be in my office and see this tank was out of service. I can see they had issues with it and what they did.”