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  1. General Blog

    3 Click Rule vs. Usability

    Jeffery Zeldman created the 3-click rule, an unofficial guide in developing websites since 2001. The theory is that the user would become frustrated and move to another site if the…
  2. General Blog

    You Don’t Have To Navigate Your Digital Transformation Road Alone

    The Manufacturing sector saw a lot of innovation when Industry 4.0 started taking traction. But with that innovation and technology, the industry saw a shift in how they must update…
  3. General Blog

    The Connected Worker Culture Shift

    Steve Jobs’ introduction of the Apple iPhone in 2007 was nothing short of revolutionary. But contrary to what our perception of that announcement may be now, there was quite a…
  4. General Blog

    Do You Really Need Software Support?

    With factories investing in software to start their Digital Transformation journey, we see many of them questioning if they really need software support. What is often forgotten when deciding is…
  5. General Blog

    More than just technology – Industry 4.0 is also about the people

        In the Manufacturing Industry, time is money. While factories are investing in new technology and software, we often see that the investment alone is not enough. The success…
  6. Engineer of the week – Ken Jones

      At InSource Solutions, our engineers are an essential part of our business. Our Engineer of the Week series is dedicated to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of…
  7. Removing Roadblocks From your Digital Transformation Using X0 Solutions

        Your factory’s Digital Transformation can be free of roadblocks when you know what to expect. While on your journey to digitize, having the right solutions can ease the…
  8. Engineer of the Week – Kevin Modlin

      At InSource Solutions, our engineers are an essential part of our business. Our Engineer of the Week series is dedicated to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of…
  9. Engineer of the Week – Brian Premock

    Our Engineer of the week series is dedicated to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. They are essential to our business,…
  10. Engineer of the Week – Beatriz Gonzales

      Our Engineer of the week series is dedicated to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. They are essential to our…