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Centralizing Mining Operations with AVEVA

Lonmin Mining Company improved operational efficiency by 10% and saved $300 million by eliminating technology silos and centralizing operations and data management with AVEVA software solutions. Management can now meet the needs of the mine by maximizing production and scaling its workforce. 

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Because we had disparate systems in place we determined it was time to implement a standardised solution that would provide us the ability to manage various processes with differing risk profiles on the same platform. AVEVA System Platform fit the bill.”

Key Features and Benefits

  • Nearly double-digit growth in productivity.
  • The CCR environment has improved Black Rock Mine Operations data quality significantly, with some sources improving more than five-fold.
  • The establishment of the CCR and supporting services was instrumental in the change process by improving in-shift reporting, from less than 50 percent to a sustained 90 percent.

For more information on our Mining solutions contact us.