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  1. General Blog

    Navigating The Skills Gap in The Manufacturing Industry’s Transformative Journey Blog

    The manufacturing industry is currently undergoing a transformation due to digital technologies and automation. This transformation emphasizes the challenges brought about by the growing skills gap and the need to…
  2. General Blog

    Change Management – the Key to a Successful Digital Transformation Part 2 Blog

    In the first part of this Change Management series, we discussed the classic quality concept of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) and how it is used during the planning stage of change management.…
  3. General Blog

    Change Management: The Key to a Successful Digital Transformation Part 1 Blog

    Change management, defined in the dictionary, is the skillful handling of modifications and advancements within a business or similar organization. It plays a crucial role in a successful digital transformation…
  4. General Blog

    You Don’t Have To Navigate Your Digital Transformation Road Alone

    The Manufacturing sector saw a lot of innovation when Industry 4.0 started taking traction. But with that innovation and technology, the industry saw a shift in how they must update…
  5. General Blog

    More than just technology – Industry 4.0 is also about the people

        In the Manufacturing Industry, time is money. While factories are investing in new technology and software, we often see that the investment alone is not enough. The success…
  6. Removing Roadblocks From your Digital Transformation Using X0 Solutions

        Your factory’s Digital Transformation can be free of roadblocks when you know what to expect. While on your journey to digitize, having the right solutions can ease the…
  7. The Digital Transformation of Existing Operational Forms

      With Industry 4.0 swooping into the Manufacturing Industry, an increased focus by senior management has been to shift operational documents to digital. Since 2020, digital transformation has made the…