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  1. Influence In The Industry – Aaron Evans

    Our Engineers at InSource Solutions continue to influence the industry through the programs they provide. From helping our clients to teaching future generations, they thrive by utilizing their skills to…
  2. Engineer of the Week – Keith Carter

    Our Engineer of the week series is dedicated to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. They are an essential part of…
  3. Internships at InSource Solutions

    InSource Solutions prides itself on helping students gain initial insights into real-world work environments through internships. While the next generation steps into the workforce, they deserve to gain relevant work…
  4. A People-Centric Approach to Digital Transformation – A 9 Plant Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Deployment Example

    The AVEVA MES – Helix project started in 2017 with the plan to deploy the system in nine factories. Starting with the most challenging manufacturing sites, InSource Solutions set the…
  5. Engineer of the Week – Ken Benedict

    InSource Solutions is excited to announce our next Engineer of the Week. We dedicate this week to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of and interest in engineering and…
  6. Engineer of the week – Michelle Miller

        2023 is here, and Insource Solutions Engineer of the week is back. We are dedicated to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of and interest in engineering…
  7. The Digital Transformation of Existing Operational Forms

      With Industry 4.0 swooping into the Manufacturing Industry, an increased focus by senior management has been to shift operational documents to digital. Since 2020, digital transformation has made the…
  8. Engineer of the week – Ann Croom

        InSource Solutions Engineer of the week is dedicated to inspiring future engineers by increasing their understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.    At InSource Solutions,…
  9. Stop Backflushing Your Money Down the Drain

    Recently, my lawn mower blades hit a rock and damaged the blades to where they were severely bent and were carving divots in my lawn. Ugh!!! When I first bought…
  10. The Next 25 Years in Manufacturing Industry Transformation

      Buckle Your Seatbelts InSource just celebrated our 25th anniversary. It’s a significant milestone and I’m so proud of our team and what they’ve accomplished since our inception in 1997.…