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  1. The Power of a Digitally Connected Worker

    “Tomorrow’s leaders will need to transform their organizations to support a new breed of empowered, technologically savvy workers who want a collaborative, flexible culture where they are constantly learning, challenged, engaged, and…
  2. Changes You Need to Make to Survive in a Digital-First World Blog

    Unless you have been in a time capsule for the past 20 years, you can’t help but notice how the world is moving to digital everything. We have immediate and…
  3. Ted’s Deep Blue Adventures

    In late October InSource got a call from TechnipFMC asking for some assistance on “Deep Blue”, one of the most advanced pipelay and construction vessels of the subsea industry and the…
  4. Paper to Glass. Always a Worthy Endeavor…Now it’s essential

    Ever since the dawn of the Industrial Age (circa 1790 U.S), manufacturers have been looking for a better way run their business and to track their progress and productivity. There…
  5. You Don’t Need an MES

    I love to BBQ. I mean, the real BBQ… 4, 6, 8, 12 hours of smoking/cooking time using real hardwood coals made of cherry, pecan, apple, hickory and oak. I…
  6. The City of London, Ontario Digitizes their Logbooks, Shift Handover, and Work Instructions

    The City of London Ontario wastewater division is responsible for 5 plants and numerous pumping stations. Like most industries, they have lean staffs managing a large geography and coordinating duties…
  7. Combatting the Forgetting Curve: Use the Performance Walk

    During a recent technical solution client deployment, I overheard the conversation around pre “go-live” classroom training for operators. There wasn’t much confidence that the classroom material would be retained enough…
  8. We Miss You Reliability. Please Call Home.

    Your organization has invested heavily in asset performance technology to support and enable a reliability culture, but something seems to be missing. The new CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) is…
  9. The Art of Deconstruction – Knowing What You Need Starts Off with Knowing What You Have

    At InSource Solutions, we work with clients to improve the way they do business.  This often requires that we work together on industrial production process flows to discover the key…
  10. Why You Need a Digitization Strategy?

    If you didn’t make it to the recent ISA Energy and Water Conference (EWAC) in Orlando, we wanted to share a small snippet of what you missed. Today’s digitization movement…